Who is your new companion? My new comp is Elder C. he is
from Mexico and has about 5 months in the mission. He is from Vera Cruz
Mexico. Yes he is fine to get along with. He speaks well, I haven’t talked to
him much in English but I would imagine because of where he is from.

Tell us your spiritual experience of the week? It was when we were
walking around yesterday and we saw uno M. and we asked him if he had read
then I just asked him if he was almost ready to be baptized and he responded
almost. Truly he has so much potential and there is no major problem for him to
get married. I truly feel that soon he will be ready to be baptized we just
need to talk to him about getting married but the good part is there isn’t
really a huge financial problem for them to get married. I just felt like at
least what we were teaching to uno m. was beginning too change his life, he
is reading the book of Mormon and he
is praying now he just needs to come to church. I just was so happy to see that
our work is not just going to waste it is all helping generate long-term

What did you do for p day this week? Well we went to the Catholic
Church again and we just went up the bell tower. First we went to some bridges
and we just jumped on them because they were hammock bridges. We also
went to a war monument for the unknown soldiers that died in the war of
Honduras and El Salvador. It was long
so we left early. The military do this only once a year in remembrance of
the war they lost against El Salvador
Where did you travel for changes? I stayed in La Entrada with 4
other elders while the others went to changes and we got back to Ocotepeque at
5 in the afternoon.
38 people came to church on Sunday. The branch president was back in
town and he is happy and soon president Bush will visit us here the end of
I have been cooking a lot because I don’t want to spend too much
money. Where do you buy your groceries? Do
you buy anything of that beef to eat or is it to expensive? I just buy chicken breast and sausages that
taste good but I don’t know what they are made of.
Is it normal to see cows being herded around? Not in the center of the city, but yes it
does happen quite often. We just buy
them from a super market here.
How is the back feeling do you make your comp carry everything? Well today it feels fine because I haven’t
lifted anything. But I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow to see if they can
see what it is. It hurts only when I twist to the left hand side. Have the medicine helped at all? I have been taking meloxicam. Just one day that I couldn’t get out of bed
because it hurt too much, it took me literally 1 hour to get out. Well
hopefully they can figure something out at the doctors tomorrow. Will you
be traveling some for that? Yes to San
Pedro Sula, more than likely they will do a mri if they have a question, they
don’t care because the insurance is 100 percent coverage
Well my time is up but I love you, talk to you all next week. I hope
to see pictures from your small trip.