Did you travel to Guatemala today to get the stitches out? No we
just went to the general clinic that there is and they took them out for free,
I think that everything they do there is free because they make all of the
doctors that graduate work for 1 year in a clinic and they assign them so they
have to come so it is a government program.
How are you and your companion feeling? My companion is doing
well he got his stitches out. How is your back? Well it still hurts even though
I haven’t been working as much and I have been using a lighter backpack. But
the nurse is going to send something that will help me with the pain. Were you
able to get some work done this week? Yes the ZL came, I went with Elder D.,
and we did divisions on Tuesday and we had a great day. Also we were able to
work a few hours with my companion.
What was your spiritual experience for the week? Well the best
experience that I have had this week has been to see the progress in a investigator,
his name is M. he is like 50 and he has one daughter in the mission and 2
here that are members as well as his wife but there not married. Truly we have
seen a change of interest in him, he is a jokester, but he is truly receptive
to the message that we are bringing and his daughter that is in the mission is
super excited. We are going to help them get married and get baptized he is so
close and the best part is there is not a financial problem too big to get
How is the weather? It has been extremely hot lately and there has
been a few nights without power and that means no fans and that all of the food
in the refrigerator goes bad so it has been fun, we have been eating out for
the last week at a restaurant in front of our house but they sale really good
food and they are nice to us and always give us huge portions. We hope you
are eating a lot of food and the food pictures look good. Yes we eat well. What type of food do they cook? Anything you ask for, if you want a burger
they make it. If you want a chile relleno they make it and they have their
other food that is like a buffet that you pay for item. Is it good food
and do they like the missionaries? Yes
they give me a discount sometimes.

Tell us about an investigator. We have many investigators but the next
promising one he has a son that is a member and he is inactive but we have
taught the father 2 times and with the mother and they brought up getting
married and they are extremely interested in everything so we are working with
everyone and telling them that during the month of August it is cheaper to get
married because the government charges less for the whole deal. August is the month of the family in
What did you do for p-day? We
went the El Salvador border. The El
Salvador boarder looked nice. Did you find a place to eat there? No there wasn’t much there, but the capital
was 2 hours away
How do you like the area, have you had any of the parties you were
trying to plan with the branch president? We have not had any branch parties
but we are working on it. Soon though we should have one we are just working on
getting some other things in order in the branch before we do the
When will you find about changes?
My companion has changes he is already packed up. That's too bad;
you seem to get along well. Yes but a change is always nice. Is your comp excited to see somewhere
else? He is really nervous. Where
do you have to go to wait for your new companion? We will go to either La Entrada 4 hours away
or in Santa Rosa 3 hours from here. While
you are waiting at La Entrada you could visit people there with another Elder
to pass the time. I will eat breakfast;
study and they will pass by around lunchtime. Did President B. do the
changes or did Pres. D.? President
D. did the changes. This will be the last companion. Yep this will be my last one.
How was church this week? I
presided the meeting this week. My companion directed and I blessed the
sacrament and talked. 26 people in total
including 4 missionaries came to church.
There are no Sunday school teachers; we are the teachers for that
Love you and talk to you next week I will try and send pictures of
the house and of my new companion. Thanks for everything you do.